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Little Man Big Heart

By: Peter L Ashley

The newspaper headlines may have read “The Village that Shaw built”, but before that could happen, this quiet little farmer donated the land on which some of those iconic buildings in Lantz
were constructed.


George Edward Green was in- deed a little, but hard working life-long resident of Truro Road Station, or what would later be known as Lantz. Like most in Lantz, he worked in the early brickyards and continued to farm his property. Eventually, though, he ended up giving much of his own land away for free in order to facilitate the growth of his community.


George Green gave the land for the first community hall where dances and even school classes took place. It was located on the old road past his home, later named Green Road in his honour.


He donated the land for the Lantz District School, in which he was a trustee. In 1944, it was considered one of the most modern in the province. He also donated the land for the East Hants Memorial Arena, again, free of charge. In fact, he never sold any parcel of land, always giving it away.

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