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People in our Neighborhood

By: Angela Sanford, Kennetcook 

Photo By: Nicky Smith, Noel

The second story in this series  features the trait of collaboration. With  collaboration comes the word team  and sometimes the people in your  neighbourhood, who share a collective  vision, develop into such a team.  Together that team displays leadership,  perseverance, compassion, and so  much more. Together they become a  superpower, energizing the community  with their spirit, and demonstrating  their collaborative nature. One of  these teams is better known as the  Hants North Recreation Development  Association or HNRDA.  

Over the past several years, HNRDA  has collectively offered a variety of  programs and experiences for the  immediate Hants North area, though  they welcome and encourage everyone  to enjoy their facilities, events, and  programs. While the team meets  regularly, their combined efforts are  most frequently employed behind the  scenes of the community trails, the  summer youth day camps, and various  celebratory events to say the least. As  a matter of fact, during COVID they  stepped up to support local graduation  celebrations that would have been  lost otherwise. It is through these  experiences that their collaborative  nature is highlighted – working  alongside other community groups and  individuals to provide opportunities for  all ages, abilities, and interests. 

A single visit to Findley Park will show  the collaborative spirit of this team and,  more than likely, convince you to make  a return visit. When the holiday events  take place, the entire community  WUEH26 

benefits from the work of this team,  and when it’s time for summer day  camps HNRDA provides employment  opportunities for community youth  while also delivering quality programs  for the younger learners. It takes an  entire team of volunteers to co-operate  to make this possible. 


Each member of the team could  certainly be identified individually, but  it is the collaborative nature of the  whole that you will witness when you  engage with HNRDA. They share  a growth mindset and are actively  seeking future opportunities for  community engagement. The initial  team has expanded since origination  and features members between the  ages of 25 and 70 currently, from three  districts in rural East Hants with a “can  do” attitude and positive approach. Of  course, like any volunteer organization,  they’d love to have a broader scope and  certainly welcome others to join them  or reach out to them for opportunities  to collaborate. 

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